For 13 years, the Emil von Behring Memorial Run in Marburg, Germany, brought together CSL Behring employees and their local colleagues in the biotech industry. This year, of course, was different.
But employees found a way to do good in a time of social distancing and the event was able to generate funds for two local charities. CSL Behring Communications associate Pia Amend came up with the idea of a virtual run. Participants registered on the run’s website, made a donation and then went jogging, Nordic walking, hiking, cycling or inline skating. They sent in photos as verification.
“We think it’s great that even in these difficult times we found a way to stand up for others together,” said Susanne Marx, the company’s Health Manager in Marburg, where CSL Behring has a large facility.
In normal conditions, several hundred athletes run the 6.4-km-long course, which starts and finishes in the stadium of this university town. Funds raised by the Marburg site companies go to organizations concerned with the well-being of children.
This year, some of the funds went to “Drachenherz e.V,” an organization that assists children and young people from addicted families. Additional funds went to “Marburger Tafel e.V,” which supports disadvantaged children between the ages of 6 and 14 with weekly food packages. In addition to meals, the donation will help give the children an ice cream treat, Marburger Tafel e.V chairwoman Rita Vaupel said.