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Secondary Immunodeficiency

What is a secondary immunodeficiency?

Your immune system keeps you healthy by fighting off germs. But sometimes, due to external factors (those not caused by genetics) people develop what’s known as a secondary immunodeficiency (SID). Just like with a primary immunodeficiency, the outcome can be life marked by seemingly never-ending infections and colds that just don’t go away. As a result, patients may face repeated rounds of antibiotics and hospitalization for treatment. SID is much more common than primary (genetic) immunodeficiencies.

Resources for you

Immunodeficiency Info Information on the immune defense, the peculiarities of the human immune system as well as immunodeficiencies and their therapy with immunoglobulins.   Website (in German)
Immune Expert Guide and service portal on the subject of immune defense with information on immunoglobulins and help for those affected with immunodeficiencies. Website (in German)
Infections in cancer Information and service portal on acquired/secondary immunodeficiencies in cancer.  Website (in German)  
ImmunForum Online portal with learning content for continuing medical education (CME) in the field of immunological diseases and their therapy.  Website (in German)