#Diversity. Diseases know no geographical boundaries, therapies know no nationalities. At CSL, we provide patients all over the world with medicines produced by our employees from over 40 countries. We are convinced that our strength lies in our diversity and collaboration. This is the only way we can achieve our common goal: to improve the lives of people around the world.
Over here in Germany, a society that promotes diversity and the integration of skilled workers of different nationalities secures jobs and prosperity. The power of innovation in our diverse working environment enhances the lives of those who depend on our products.
At a time when right-wing extremist movements and hate speech are on the rise, we are taking a clear stance against such ideologies. They are a direct threat to the values on which our company and our society are built. CSL stands for respect, tolerance, international collaboration, and integrity. We are committed to a society in which every person, regardless of origin, gender, faith or nationality, is valued and respected.
We strongly believe that all forms of discrimination, marginalisation, and hate speech must be undermined. Our mission is to send a strong signal in favour of a world in which diversity is seen as an enrichment.
Let us stand together for a respectful and mindful coexistence that is characterised by diversity and tolerance. Elections are the most effective weapon to defend and uphold democracy. Let us use this opportunity to resolutely oppose any form of right-wing extremism. In this way, together we can create the basis for a prosperous future - in Germany and in the world.